Posts tagged eatingdisorder
Emotional Regulation … what is it good for?

Don’t assume that your emotions are facts!

They are real, they are happening, and you should pay attention to them, however, don’t assume that they are cold hard FACT.

FELT SENSE of emotion does not equal FACT in reality.

For example, you can feel one way internally, however, the meaning you attach to it could be completely false.

That meaning can then lead you to self-sabotaging behaviors, harmful thoughts, and put you into a negative feedback cycle.

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Weight Watchers

There has been a lot of uproar lately about the new Weight Watchers — Kurbo app, designed for children and adolescents 8-17 to promote weight-loss, calorie counting (via the “points system”) and a “healthier lifestyle.”

I absolutely want us to educate, inspire, and support children from a young age to live their healthiest lives. However, being a chubby child who dieted all my childhood and young adult life, and now being an eating disorder professional (psychotherapist), I think it’s important to do some education on the damage of this philosophy behind “weight-loss.” I’ve seen it first hand, and it’s been proven again and again, that childhood weight-loss efforts can lead to or often worsen disordered eating and body image issues!  

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