Posts tagged mentalhealth
It is Cervical Health Awareness Month!

As a woman, and working mostly with female clientele, I find it important to talk about femininity, having a healthy connection to our bodies, and feeling confident/safe in our womanhood.

Connection to our bodies and embracing femininity is somewhat taboo still. 

We are not taught to have a strong sense of self, or celebration of our curves. We are not usually encouraged to feel connected and empowered in our bodies.

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Emotional Regulation … what is it good for?

Don’t assume that your emotions are facts!

They are real, they are happening, and you should pay attention to them, however, don’t assume that they are cold hard FACT.

FELT SENSE of emotion does not equal FACT in reality.

For example, you can feel one way internally, however, the meaning you attach to it could be completely false.

That meaning can then lead you to self-sabotaging behaviors, harmful thoughts, and put you into a negative feedback cycle.

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The Fear Factor

Fear at best is an emotion that is trying to keep us safe, however, more often than not, fear is a perception problem keeping us stuck. This is why some people say that FEAR is an acronym that stands for “False Evidence Appearing Real.” I have a revised and helpful version of an acronym below that will help you deconstruct and stand up to your fears!

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Are you intimately connected and aware of your triggers? There is a great quote that says that "triggers are the guides."Most people assume that triggers are bad, however, they are opportunities to stay sharp and on top of your healing.When you are triggered, you have a choice. You can either react, respond, or numb out. REACTION is usually knee jerk. There is not much thought behind it, it is automatic, it is impulsive, and usually destructive. RESPONSES are more thoughtful, intentional, wise, learned behavior, and practiced. They take time to develop, and usually lead to long term happiness and success. NUMBING out is basically shutting down and not having a response at all. This can feel very helpless, hopeless, and put you into victim mode. 

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There has been a lot of talk lately about change. New seasons, new phases of life, and stepping into new versions of ourselves. Yet change can be terrifying, uncomfortable and most of all unfamiliar. We love to stay comfortable and stagnant because it is EASIER than the alternative, even though change is what we are REALLY wanting. So how do we create change, if we are feeling scared, awkward, confused and helpless? Here are some tips to help you create change in your life.

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